John Leonard

John Leonard's Field Recordings

John Leonard has given me permission to make available here his recordings that were on Ambisonia - thanks, John!  I have grouped them according to subject (some could go in more than one place, but I've not duplicated them).

This is what he wrote about them on Ambisonia:

Assorted recordings made with my portable recording set-up: Soundfield ST250, Metric Halo 2882 +DSP Firewire interface, Apple Macintosh PowerBook G4 1.5 Gig. Recording are made direct to hard-disc using the excellent Record Panel software supplied by Metric Halo. My main field of work is for theatre sound design and the gathering of sound effects is part of the job. This set up has finally allowed me to make location recordings in B-Format for which I am very grateful. I recently added one of Len Moskowitz's excellent Core Sound TetraMics to my recording kit, along with a new, as yet unreleased. audio interface. It's all sounding very good so far. The material posted on this site can be used for demonstration purposes and personal study, but may not be sold, lent, hired or otherwise distributed or used commercially without permission. In demonstrations, please attribute the files to me. Feel free to ask questions or make comments, rude or otherwise.

Bird Sounds

When Geese Go Bad is particularly well-known, I think.

Aircraft Sounds

A favourite kind of noise for John, I think!

Crowd Sounds

Recorded in various venues. 

Miscellaneous Sounds

Boat and steam train noises, fireworks and suchlike.

Prague Sounds


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